● More gentle & more effective tray destacking
The DB series tray destacker is an optional equipment to automatically unload and feed single tray from a stack of plastic trays that have been filled with eggs in a 5x6 pattern for downstream process such as an auto loader. The alignment of the tray will be fixed automatically, so the height or orientation of a stack can be flexibly mixed as long as its height is 8 trays or less. The DB series tray destacker is available in different capacity: DB3 (38,000 eggs per hour), DB5 (52,000 eggs per hour), and DBA (62,000 eggs per hour).
● Capacity
DB-350 35,000eggs/h
DB-400 40,000eggs/h
DB-600 60,000eggs/h
● Accurate & gentle touch
The DB series can give away a single tray accurately and gently from a stack trays. It provides less stress to egg in comparison to manual process for safe and stable feeding process.
● Excellent Robustness & Durability
Continuous moving parts are designed by examining robustness & durability. Use of high strength parts makes less trouble and stable performance became possible.